On Saturday day 2 masons at home. They have changed the shower tray due to a loss of water that affected my neighbor who lives in the 1º2ª. Mr. Felix and his brother Tomas solved the problem on the same Saturday, at five in the afternoon they left home leaving the problem solved.
Today, Monday, July 4, 2022.
We are sharing with Mike the celebration of the 31st anniversary of his transit, of his return to the Home that he shares with the Eternal Father / Mother and Sonship.
This afternoon with our brothers from the Ponderosa we have watched the movie "the Shack" We just watched the movie, now we need to feel and attend to the Spirit. Answers are received when responsibility for the question is accepted. We ask the question that always accompanies me: Father, why do I need the body to serve you? I am attentive to receive Your answer, Father.
Thanks. Today, Saturday, July 23.
To create again you have to undo what is not going to be lived again The Ingalls family paved the way for Autopista al Cielo. Everything is and opens the way to enjoy the Love that We Are. Thanks to Michael Landon and the team with whom they created the beauty that we can contemplate today, admire and apply it in this present. Thank you!
Comment I gave myself on Sue Ann Bellucci's Facebook
Alrededor de Michael Landon se sostiene el equipo con el que crearon una nueva forma de comprender el presente. Acabas de vivirlo y lo tienes ahñi, en la pantalla para observar tu actitud en la vivido.
Sunday, July 31, 2022.
The month of July says goodbye. The instants come together forming an appearance of time. Time at the service of forgiveness and openness to the Eternal Creator who lovingly calls us to return Home. These last few days I have been walking daily through the beautiful space of the Hospital de la Sant Cruz y San Pablo. I feel that it is an open door to a city of Light.
We walk with the Cartwright brothers through these loving healing spaces! Then we return to the small home that gives us shelter. Thanks for that.
Our Cartwright brothers and our dad Ben, we are happy to be together in this project to extend to the Ponderosa "Our Home" I still don't know what my job is here, but I continue to put forgiveness first and give back to Dad his Son as He asks me .
Monday, August 1, 2022.
A new August begins and everything seems to shine with a new light, thoughts are quiet and the heart is attentive to any small brightness that indicates that the new path begins now! Mike holds me in the light of Eternal Love where it vibrates. Certainly, Beloved Father, I return to You Your Son who will always be One in You!
Wednesday, August 19, 2022
August goes on his way and I my bewilderment. Yesterday we said goodbye to our dear friend Carmen Escartín Guarga, now she follows a beautiful path of light together with those who complete the star in which she vibrates- Thank you Carmen - Francisco for the beautiful friendship shared in the Heart of Dioa. Thank you!
These photos are from January 2020, the day we were with Carmen, she gave me the memory of these photos taken at her house in the winter of 1978. My mother and I in the dining room of the porter's lodge where our friends lived next to the one we lived in we.
I leave the link to the month of January 2020
On Tuesday, August 23, the news reached me, through Sue Ann Beluci's Facebook, of the transfer to the Light of Our Eternal Father, of Dylian Landon, natural son of Shawna Landon, he was born on March 26, 1998. Shawna is the daughter of Michael and Linn, she was born in October 1971. Little Shawna, because of what you present on your social networks, you still long for the home you were born into in the family that Michael and Linn created: this family is pure light, you cannot bring it back. Now look further into the depth and breadth of love and you will see The Eternal Home that Dylan shows you and how he has worked to show it to your family!
Dylan was resurrected to Eternal Love on August 17, 2022. Join yourself Love and return to the Eternal Father Light of His Own Light. Your brothers and sisters of Light embrace you on your arrival. Amen!
Wednesday, August 31, 2022 Thank you God for this present moment and then only silence. Words are useless to me!
On Tuesday, August 23, the news reached me, through Sue Ann Beluci's Facebook, of the transfer to the Light of Our Eternal Father, of Dylian Landon, natural son of Shawna Landon, he was born on March 26, 1998. Shawna is the daughter of Michael and Linn, she was born in October 1971. Little Shawna, because of what you present on your social networks, you still long for the home you were born into in the family that Michael and Linn created: this family is pure light, you cannot bring it back. Now look further into the depth and breadth of love and you will see The Eternal Home that Dylan shows you and how he has worked to show it to your family!
Thank you Dylan for vibrating Love in your earthly family over 24 years. Again you leave them your legacy of Eternal Love between brothers and sisters. Now each one is responsible for managing wealth according to the intention for himself and for his fellow travelers.
Dylan was resurrected to Eternal Love on August 17, 2022. Join yourself Love and return to the Eternal Father Light of His Own Light. Your brothers and sisters of Light embrace you on your arrival. Amen!
Wednesday, August 31, 2022 Thank you God for this present moment and then only silence. Words are useless to me!
You raise me up
When I am down and, oh my soul, so weary
When troubles come and my heart burdened be
Then, I am still and wait here in the silence
Until You come and sit awhile with me.
You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders
You raise me up to more than I can be
You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders
You raise me up to more than I can be.
You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders
You raise me up to more than I can be.
You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders
You raise me up to more than I can be.
You raise me up to more than I can be.
Saturday, september seventeen 2022.
A month ago Dylan Lupia returned to the vibrant Eternal Being of Unconditional Love. Enjoy the peace and light of our Eternal Origin Love and look at us from this Heart that only knows Eternal Love!
Enrere queda el traspàs a la Llum Original d'en Dilan Lupia, net de Michael Landon.Dylan és fill de Shawna la tercera filla d'en Mike i Lyn Noe.
A dylan el van empenyer fora d'aquest mon de fantasies en ser atropellat per un autocar, allà a Valle Verde, Califonrnia on vivia els seus joves vint-i-cuatre anys. Ell va volar a l'Espai Etern el 17 d'agost d'enguany. Tot plegat és fugisser.
Tal vegada els qui realment s'han apropat al ideari médic van ser el doctor Joan Muntaner, 1959-1978 i el doctor Vicenç Cambra Bonastre 1979-2009.
El doctor Mario Alons Puig ens condueix pel camí de l'autobservació i profundització en els nostre records i emocions, cercant els sentiments de dolor enterrats més profundament.
Ens demana de cercar una fotografia de quan erem menuts, si cerca les emprentes grabades en el nostre cervell, aparentment verge i, també allo de més amagat en el nostre inconscient.
La primera vegada que vaig fer la teràpia, al whaspp del programa li vaig enviar aquesta fotografia. Vaig sentir tot l'amor en que el pare em demanava que vingues a ells, el somni que junts viuriem la família tal com és en veritat: una entitat d'Amor Etern Incondicinonat!
Aquesta teràpia estara accesible a la seva web dos anys.
Ens convida a viure en integritat aceptant el Ser que som i expresant-lo en el nostre dia.
De fet és la mateixa proposta que treballo amb "la escuela del perdón" de Jorge i Reyes, però més a nivell psicològic.
El metge toca de ple de peus a terra.
He seguit fent aquesta primera meditació del programa, cercant els dols de la nena que sòc.
La segona fotografia que hi poso és aquesta,
la que mostra l'entorn familiar en el que vaig creixer, àvia, tiets, tietes i cosines/cosí.
Aquesta tarda he fet la tercera sessió d'aquesta meditació i exercici, la fotografia que i vull deixar és aquesta del primer d'any de 1966, ja sò una noieta de catorze anys.
Aquesta és la Montserrat que s'ha anat fent el caliu del dolor familiar mig aceptat i mig amagat.
Junts hem de deixar enrere els pensaments de judici de l'altre i els nostres propis. Ho treballem el millor que sabem ells des del Cel que la seva bona voluntat ha obert per a obrir-se a la Llum que som.
Jo guiada per l'Esperit d'Amor Etern des d'un cos, un vehícle que no he sabut conduir gaire bé però estic disposada a entregar tot el que penso i crec al servei del amor.
la que mostra l'entorn familiar en el que vaig creixer, àvia, tiets, tietes i cosines/cosí.
Aquesta és la Montserrat que s'ha anat fent el caliu del dolor familiar mig aceptat i mig amagat.
Jo guiada per l'Esperit d'Amor Etern des d'un cos, un vehícle que no he sabut conduir gaire bé però estic disposada a entregar tot el que penso i crec al servei del amor.
És l'Amor que desfa els nostres pensaments de incertesa, carència, dolor. Por en definitiva.
Entreguem la por a l'Amor Etern que Som per sempre Bé de fet el que estic expressant és l'efecte que em resona de la meditació i l'exercici, són els que estic repetint. Ara cal seguir i, si cal tornar a arribar el final. La meditació és molt bonica i et porta a recorrer tot el viscut d'un costat a l'altre del llac o mar que es el que hom sent com al seu recorregut per la vida. Et porta a la teva millor versió. A l'altre costat la trobes i t'hi comuniques. Jo directament m'hi quedo.
És el meu anhel des que vaig iniciar-me en la meditació: treballar-me per despertar i col·laborar en el despertar dels meus germans.
Em cal però acceptar que tal vegada els meus germans ja són desperts o no volguin despertar al meu costat. Amén. Ok. Mike estimat, això és el que sento que em demanes, aquesta mirada d'amor innocent repassant tot el viscut el llarg de mil·lenis. La Vida continua i no hi ha res que pogui aturar l'expressió de l'Amor Infinit i Etern que la sosté. Fins aquí gaudeixo de la companyia i guia del nostre amorós somni de creació Indivisible de l'Étern Creador. Dylan es fon en el seu Origen d'Amor Etern i com tú dius Mile o Elí: "Love is forever"!
Pernell Roberts. Discover it in Bonanza. when it began to be broadcast in Spain, the country where I live, then I was an 11-year-old girl. Her deep gaze has been with me ever since. I fell in love with the character of Adam Cartwright and have followed in his footsteps admiring his ability to express the different characters he has played. Today I am deeply happy to be part of the happy dream of the Ponderosa ranch family!
Em cal però acceptar que tal vegada els meus germans ja són desperts o no volguin despertar al meu costat. Amén. Ok. Mike estimat, això és el que sento que em demanes, aquesta mirada d'amor innocent repassant tot el viscut el llarg de mil·lenis. La Vida continua i no hi ha res que pogui aturar l'expressió de l'Amor Infinit i Etern que la sosté. Fins aquí gaudeixo de la companyia i guia del nostre amorós somni de creació Indivisible de l'Étern Creador. Dylan es fon en el seu Origen d'Amor Etern i com tú dius Mile o Elí: "Love is forever"!
Pernell Roberts. Discover it in Bonanza. when it began to be broadcast in Spain, the country where I live, then I was an 11-year-old girl. Her deep gaze has been with me ever since. I fell in love with the character of Adam Cartwright and have followed in his footsteps admiring his ability to express the different characters he has played. Today I am deeply happy to be part of the happy dream of the Ponderosa ranch family!
enlace a Octubre - Diciembre 2022