Divendres 1 d'abril de 2022. Són gairebé les nou del vespre i només volem deixar exposat la situació àlmica expressada. La Ponderosa ens manté conectats a l'Amor Incondicionat entre germans. El somni del Fill de Déu despert. la Vida compartida entre germans abrigats a la Mirada del Amor Etern. Deixem posat els enllaços a dues pel·lícules. Us, l'última proposata de Michael Landon pel col·lectiu on es va espressar l'espurna de vida que el va acompanyar a reconeixes com espressió del Totpoderós en l'humà.
Us amb Michael Landon 1990-1991
La pel·lícula de Michael Landon junior l'haurem de cercar a Internet.
El seu fill Michael Landon junior anys després va fer en col·laboració aquesta proposta El amor necesita tiempo. Abdues històries ens acompanyen fins el moment present que tenim plantejat. Gràcies, gracies, gracies. ¡Namaste!
El seu fill Michael Landon junior anys després va fer en col·laboració aquesta proposta El amor necesita tiempo. Abdues històries ens acompanyen fins el moment present que tenim plantejat. Gràcies, gracies, gracies. ¡Namaste!
Dimecres 6 d'abril de 2022Versión Completa: David Bueno Torrens explica cómo cambia nuestro cerebro al apr... Padres pare Jordi Bueno Casadesús, mare Rosa Torrens Braña
Jueves 28 de abril de 2022. Me cuesta tomar la decisión de escribir en Inglés, representa un esfuerzo de atención que no termino de asumir. Me expreso en castellano porque es la lengua en la que escucho las series de Mike, Victor, Lorne, Pernell y puedo ya sumar muchos más nombres a la bella lista de nuestras relaciones del Alma.. Escribir este sencillo texto en Inglés me llevaria por lo menos una hora ya que lo tendria que hacer con el traductor en la mano y aún no estoy preparada para reconocer la mejor adaptación al Inglés de la que expreso en castellano.
Hoy tomo la decisión de empezar a construir pequeños textos en Inglés. Thursday, April, 28, 2022. I feel that Mike and Victor accompany me with infinite patience. His presence gives me security and confidence in the process of awakening. I love our spiritual guides and appreciate that they are constantly hugging me and lovin conversation.
When you get stuck in fear: you walk away from love.
Dissabte 30 d'abril de 2022. L'abril s'esmuny. Estic ben ensopida i el que veig més enlla segueix obrint-me a l'Eternitat. La imatge de "the sack" es manté fresca. Jo allitada en un sofà davant la xemeneia i en Mike al meu costat sostenint el perdò total al passat i el futur. El Pare/Mare ens són aprop vetllant la nostra ofrena de perdó per els nostres errors. Entrega Total, hi ha un punt de tristessa, quelcom que no m'he perdonat i no ho vull veure. Ho entrego i demano suport per a poder mirar amb l'Esperit Sant aixó que em fa tanta por que no vull mirar. Gràcies el suport és aquí!
Comencem un altre primavera i dins meu hi ha nit.
Els germans de la Ponderosa, de fet de l'Univers que vibra en aquests cors units en la Font Eterna de Vida per retornar les ànimes, dubtoses, com la meva, a la total Confiança de Ser Unides en l'Esperit d'Amor que ens ha creat! Ells volen confiança, passió, entrega total! Thursday, 5 May, 2022. Oh, wonderful Love. I was a girl when this song came to my heart through the movie "Papa Long Legs" in which one of the protagonists was Fred Astaire, 1955 in Spain it premiered in 1958 and my mother and I saw it in 1961 when my beloved dad had passed away two years ago. In those days, a lot was heard in the most active means of communication in Spain, which was the radio. I've been looking for it on the internet for a couple of years and I couldn't find it until today, in this beautiful video dedicated to Michael for you Sue Ann.
Allow me to join you with my sincere gratitude. Thank you for this beautiful gift. Wonderful video that leaves us with an expanded heart!
What if nobody comes. What if nobody cares. What if this is the time, that nobody shares. Allow me to join you with my sincere gratitude. Thank you for this beautiful gift. Wonderful video that leaves us with an expanded heart!
What if this is the time that folks don't show up.
What if this is the time to grow up.
What if nobody comes?
All of us have made dreams and memories.
And all of us have wishes we ......(?)
All of us dream when we're wide awake
And all of us are children inside.
What if nobody comes.
What if nobody knows
What if this is the time you build a dream and nobody shows
(Mark Twain - Don't let the head shakers and tongue quackery stop you!)
All of us have ......... and memories
And all of us have railroads to ride.
All of us can dream when we're wide awake
And all of us are children inside.
What if nobody comes. What if nobody come.
Then they sing "It's A Small World"!
I hope this was helpful. He really was the perfect person for this. Love him always.
I hope this was helpful. He really was the perfect person for this. Love him always.
Courtesy: Sue Ann Bellucci.
Friday, Mai, 6, 2022.
Thank you, Mike for accompanying me to the best of myself.
Thank you, Mike for accompanying me to the best of myself.
Sunday, Mai 15, 2022
Thank you, Mike, for your patient, serene, sensual, full love: thank you for Being in your Creator. Thank ypu!
E.T December 1982 - December 2019
E.T makes itself felt these days. First Carolina gave me a photo uploaded to Facebook. So I looked for other images and found these that I have joined in this composition..
Today I found this video that was an advertisement for a television network in December 2019. The last Christmas I spent with my family.
The commercial
Filming techniques
Tuesday, Mai, 17, 2022 Beloved friends, let us remember that Love never dies. He lives eternally and expresses himself in all living creatures. Michael Landon was an expression of the Immortal Spirit of Love and he will love us forever. Even though he doesn't hug us physically because his body passed away, we are constantly embraced by the Spirit that Is and Lives in our hearts! we love each other for who we are! I am you, you are me, we are in Eternal Love
Tuesday, Mai, 17, 2022 Beloved friends, let us remember that Love never dies. He lives eternally and expresses himself in all living creatures. Michael Landon was an expression of the Immortal Spirit of Love and he will love us forever. Even though he doesn't hug us physically because his body passed away, we are constantly embraced by the Spirit that Is and Lives in our hearts! we love each other for who we are! I am you, you are me, we are in Eternal Love
Saturday, May, 21
Almost four months have passed since Mike and I celebrated our betrothal at Ponderosa Ranch. Our relationship is full and joyful with our sister souls. We vibrate in love and trust in the beautiful creation of our soul universe prepared to receive all the souls that would like to share the Joy of the Unique Love. United to the Heart of the Eternal Father/Mother, We Joy United. I don't know if mike will have to go to another level, I also don't know if I will be able to hold my attention on this indescribable beauty. But I trust fully in Our Eternal Father and the full Union with his Son. When the Son recognizes himself in the Father, the Kingdom of Love manifests itself.
Tuesday, May 31, 2022. We say goodbye to May, the month of flowers. Here, in Barcelona, where the soul that encourages me in the third dimension expresses itself, Life shows us its splendor. Thank you for Your Love and Mercy Father/Mother in Your Being this present is sustained. Thank you Elí for returning in Plenitut to the love that has always sustained you. Thank you brother for not giving up our Unity in Love!
Wednesday, June 4, 2022. The sixth month of the year begins, we are approaching the maximum expression of Light, the longest days, the shortest nights. The Almma trembles because Eternal Love summons it and wants to express itself in all dimensions. Our Beloved Father / Mother unveils his Son and summons him to enjoy the Completeness of his Creation!
Oh, my Pa-pa, to me he was so
Oh, my Pa-pa, to me he was so good
No one could be so gentle and so lovable
Oh, my Pa-pa, he always understood
Gone are the days when he could take me on his knee
And with a smile he'd change my tears to laughter
Oh, my Pa-pa, so funny, so adorable
Always the clown, so funny in his ways
Oh, my Pa-pa, to me he was so wonderful
Deep in my heart I miss him so today
Gone are the days when he could take me on his knee
And with a smile he'd change my tears to laughter
Oh, my Pa-pa, to me he was so wonderful
Deep in my heart I miss him so today
Oh, my Pa-pa
Oh, my Pa-pa
Oh, my Pa-pa, to me he was so good
No one could be so gentle and so lovable
Oh, my Pa-pa, he always understood
Gone are the days when he could take me on his knee
And with a smile he'd change my tears to laughter
Oh, my Pa-pa, so funny, so adorable
Always the clown, so funny in his ways
Oh, my Pa-pa, to me he was so wonderful
Deep in my heart I miss him so today
Gone are the days when he could take me on his knee
And with a smile he'd change my tears to laughter
Oh, my Pa-pa, to me he was so wonderful
Deep in my heart I miss him so today
Oh, my Pa-pa
Oh, my Pa-pa
Thursday, June 2022.
The Easter of the Ascension is the memory of last weekend. This week brings with it attempts at relationships, Neus Pallarés, Rosa Balagué, Adriana and Tony, the family from the cafeteria that is on the ground floor of the farm where I live... Everything comes, everything passes: but our thing is to pass opening roads, roads that go to the sea! Today, Thursday, it seems that there will be another meeting that can be related or fearful. What will be will be...
Gozar de la Ascensión que nos regala la segunda Pasqüa és un regalo al que quizás no lo valoramos en lo que representa. Ascender, aumentar al vibración del corazón en amor compartido con nuestros hermanos... Ciertamente es ascender.
Mike basically dissolves into the Light of His Father and Creator. He dissolves into an all-encompassing embrace. Yeshua holds this Eternal embrace. I, playful, return to the beautiful image of the Eternal Masculine Spirit Inviolable, but mischievous and playful like me.
Thursday, June 23 2022. The festival of San Juan, this year at home, In Trinxant, 144, 2º2ª.
She stayed behind, but she was calm and collected. The peace of God embraces me and Mike takes me to celebrate the Ponderosa. Thanks Mike your light blesses us!
Thursday, June 30 2022. Without further ado, we leave the month of June behind.
enlace a Julio - Setiembre 2022